Join us for a quick segment from Pro AV Today, where host Ben Thomas engages in a candid conversation with Joe Piccirilli from RoseWater Energy, delving into the invaluable role of professionals in the realm of power solutions.

In an age where DIY endeavors are on the rise, Joe Piccirilli offers a refreshing perspective. Despite his extensive knowledge in the field, he emphasizes the significance of hiring professionals for the job. Joe recognizes that even with his expertise, he wouldn’t attempt to tackle power solutions himself. He values the meticulous care and precision that professionals bring to the table.

What sets professionals apart? Joe sheds light on the ever-evolving world of electronics and energy, highlighting the constant need for research and staying up-to-date. With the multitude of consumer electronics and control products available today, keeping pace can be an overwhelming task. Instead, Joe encourages individuals to invest their time wisely by seeking out professionals who can navigate this complex landscape.

“Their is Value To a Professional” soundbite from Ben Thomas’ Pro AV Today podcast with guest Joe Piccirilli from RoseWater Energy


Joe Piccirilli:

I don’t have the time to do it well enough. I won’t be as careful as the person who I’m hiring that I know is doing the job correctly. Even with as much knowledge as I have, I would never attempt to do it myself. I don’t have the time nor the inclination to do it.

And I think there is value to a professional. Think about, how do you keep current? The world of electronics and energy … I mean, I’m very, very focused on the energy side. And I’m continually researching because something is changing every day. When the vast array of consumer electronics and control products you put in your house, you could spend forever researching and never catch up. So that’s not how I would spend my time. No, I would suggest that everybody look for a professional. And if you have a lot of knowledge, use it to help you judge that pro.

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